Project Ranking Recommendation
PRTPO is responsible for reviewing and ranking the Consolidated Grants applications that WSDOT receives in its biennial call for projects. Proposals are evaluated for their support of PRTPO’s Human Services Transportation Plan, which was last updated in 2022. PRTPO’s project rankings confer bonus points that are added to project scores in this statewide competitive funding process. WSDOT received 15 Consolidated Grants applications from service providers in the Peninsula Region in this 2022 process for PRTPO to evaluate.
PRTPO convened an independent Review Panel to conduct the review. The panel completed its own review and evaluation and forwarded to the Executive Board its recommended project ranking. The Executive Board approved the recommended ranking at its December 16th meeting.
PRTPO amended the 2022 Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP) adopted in October to include all projects deemed consistent with and supportive of the HSTP. PRTPO received no public comments on its intent to amend the projects into the HSTP.
PRTPO recommends to WSDOT the following project rankings for the 2022 Consolidated Grants process:
(7) ‘A’ Rank Projects
Clallam Transit Paratransit Services – Clallam County
ECHHO Jefferson County Volunteer Driver Program
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Sustain Rte 50 Service to Blyn
Jefferson Transit East Jefferson Operating Assistance
Jefferson Transit West Jefferson Operating Assistance
Makah Tribe Makah Transit Operations
Mason Transit Sustain Dial-a-Ride Services in Mason County
(5) ‘B’ Rank Projects
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Electric Shuttle Bus for Healing Clinic
Kitsap Transit Paratransit (ACCESS) Bus Purchase
Mason Transit Replace Three 35’ Buses
Squaxin Island Tribe Operating Assistance for Squaxin Transit
Squaxin Island Tribe Squaxin Transit Capital Equipment
(3) ‘C’ Ranked Projects
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe CTR Study and Plan for Tribe’s Employees
Coastal CAP Thurston-Mason ADA Van Replacement
Coastal CAP Thurston-Mason Drive to Opportunity
Application Packets
Each review packet includes a two-page project summary of key elements from the WSDOT Consolidated Grant application and primary support for the HSTP. That summary form includes a link to a short presentation video on PRTPO’s YouTube channel. The package also includes the complete WSDOT application form. Key narrative and financial information is highlighted on the WSDOT form to assist reviewers in finding other potentially relevant project information amidst the many reporting details that WSDOT collects for its project assessments.
Clallam Transit - Paratransit Services - Clallam County
Coastal CAP - Thurston-Mason County ADA/Van Replacement
Coastal CAP - Thurston-Mason County Driven to Opportunity
ECHHO - Jefferson County Volunteer Driver Program
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe - Purchase New Electric Transit Shuttle for Healing Clinic
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe - CTR Study & Plan for Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s Employees
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe - Sustain Clallam Transit Route 50 Fixed-Route Bus Service to Blyn
Jefferson Transit - East Jefferson Operations Grant
Jefferson Transit - West Jefferson Operations Grant
Kitsap Transit - Paratransit (ACCESS) Bus Purchase
Makah Tribal Council - Makah Transit Operations
Mason Transit - Replace Three 35’ Buses Beyond Their Useful Life
Mason Transit - Sustain Mason County Dial-a-Ride Services
Squaxin Island Tribe - Squaxin Transit Capital Equipment
Squaxin Island Tribe - Operating Assistance for Squaxin Transit
All videos may also be found in one 2022 Consolidated Grants playlist here on PRTPO’s YouTube channel.
2022 Ranking Slots
In keeping with the format of the WSDOT Consolidated Grants ranking framework, PRTPO identified seven (7) “A” ranked projects, five (5) “B” ranked projects, and three (3) “C” ranked projects.