PRTPO amended its Human Services Transportation Plan in December 2024 to update the project list in Appendix D. Find out more about the new projects here.
A Human Services Transportation Plan, or HSTP, is the product of coordinated planning among public transit, tribal transit, non-profit, and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) providers working to meet the mobility needs of those who cannot drive due to physical or financial reasons. The HSTP is especially concerned with the mobility needs of seniors, people with disabilities, and people living in poverty.
The HSTP includes an inventory of transportation providers and the services they offer as well as an assessment of mobility need for targeted populations in the Clallam-Jefferson-Kitsap-Mason County area. In this way barriers and gaps in service that point to unmet transportation needs can be understood, and regionally appropriate mobility strategies identified to meet those needs.
Mobility strategies recommended in the HSTP are used to evaluate funding priorities for statewide Consolidated Grants awards, so it’s important the strategies it recommends are suitable to this region’s needs. Providers develop project proposals that address one or more mobility strategies in the HSTP, vying for statewide competitive funds to support established mobility strategies.
PRTPO is responsible for maintaining an HSTP to support WSDOT’s Consolidated Grants process, and updates it about every four years. The Executive Board adopted the updated 2022 HSTP on October 21, 2022 and amended it on December 16, 2022, to include the recently evaluated Consolidated Grants projects. The next amendment will be in December 2024, as a part of the next evaluation of grants for WSDOT.
View the updated plan in your choice of formats, an interactive StoryMap of the draft plan or a traditional pdf document of the final plan. And let us know what you think!
Spend a few minutes watching a virtual presentation that provides an overview of the HSTP.
This is a short orientation to PRTPO’s Human Services Transportation Plan. Check it out!
Let us know what you think! Though our public comment period has closed, we still want to know what you think. Please send us an email and share your thoughts on the Human Services Transportation Plan or your own experience in using the services available in the Peninsula Region.
Did you know…?
Human Services refers to a wide range of interdisciplinary social assistance programs ranging from health care to food and shelter to work force training, and more. Services are targeted to individuals and families, and may be provided by public, tribal, nonprofit, or private providers.
Human Services Transportation refers to a broad range of mobility and access services designed to connect people who have special mobility needs with the human services available to them. Transportation services may be provided directly by public, tribal, nonprofit, and/or private providers, or may be supported through education, coordination, financial subsidies, or other means.